480p on 4k tv

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If your final video is longer, then it makes sense that it would take 'longer' to finish.How long is your final video? 2 min, 20 min, 2 hours?.Depending on your program and settings you might be rendering high quality then your footage. Different programs have different methods to optimize the render time.What program are you rendering out from?.What kind of video are you creating? CGI heavy? Animation? Lots of effects? Vlogs? depending on you answer Those will affect your render/edit time.If 480 is somehow going to help you make content faster, then by all means. that original 480p video has 3+ million views in 2020 alone and he just recently upgraded to 720 which isn't even considered HD anymore (talk about getting plutoed).

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As much as everyone hate 720 (or WORST 480 *gasp*), I've seen a Youtuber from Japan who started in 2020 making videos in 480 and getting 100k subs with 8.5 million channel views.